Let’s be honest working out is uncomfortable, basically simulates a panic attack (shortness of breath, racing heart, sweaty palms, etc). It is clear that we ALL have different relationships with that feeling. For some people, like a distance runner, relish that feeling and for others that feeling is AVOIDED at all costs.

If you are someone that does not feel alive unless they have that fitness feeling… well good for you. For everyone else, there are ways to help yourself cope with the stressful of experiences of working out & making it more pleasant.

Here my top 3 tricks:

  1. Get a yummy protein shake after your workout, something you enjoy and feels like a treat. Not only it is good for your body post workout BUT it also can act like a strong habit-loop to encourage you to WORKOUT to GET the shake.

  2. WORKOUT with a friend, social-emotional connection are HUGE pieces of the puzzle for all humans, so if you can combine working out with hanging it, it’s two for the price of one.

  3. Have workout written down and ready to go!!